Loess Hills Backroads: Kendall Trail in Harrison County.

Loess Hills Backroads: Kendall Trail in Harrison County.

Overall Rating: 1/5 stars Google map location Length:.  1.4  miles Sidewalls:.  Some, but not nearly as high as other level b roads Hills: Yes S-Curves: No S curves Bridge:  one small bridge at the beginning. Interested in more level B roads? Check out the list of My favorite level B Loess Hills Roads

Loess Hills Backroads: Saw Mill Hollow in Harrison County, Iowa.

Loess Hills Backroads: Saw Mill Hollow in Harrison County, Iowa.

Overall Rating: 2/5 stars Google map location Length: 1.64 miles. Sidewalls: Yes, it has some, but not really the highest sidewalls. Hills: No major hills S-Curve: The road winds just a bit, but no major S-curves. Bridge: No bridges, it does wind alongside a lake for a short stretch. Interested in more level B roads?…

Loess Hills Backroads: Kelsey Avenue in Harrison County, Iowa.

Loess Hills Backroads: Kelsey Avenue in Harrison County, Iowa.

Overall Rating: 3/5 stars Google map location Length: 1.5 miles. Sidewalls: Yes, there are several sections where the sidewalls will tower over your vehicle. Hills: Yes, several steep hills along the path. S-Curve: Only one winding curve along the path. Bridge: No Interested in more level B roads? Check out the list of My favorite…

Loess Hills Backroads: Hardin Avenue in Harrison County, Iowa.

Loess Hills Backroads: Hardin Avenue in Harrison County, Iowa.

Overall Rating: 3/5 stars Google map location Length: 0.7 mile. Although it’s relatively short, it’s a great example of a typical Loess Hills level B backroad. Sidewalls: Yes, several examples of sidewalls that tower over the height of your vehicle. Hills: Yes, several hills and inclines. S-Curve: No. Bridge: No. Interested in more level B…