Mini Wakan State Park

It’s located in the Okoboji / Iowa Great Lakes area on Big Spirit Lake. In fact, the park is on the Iowa – Minnesota border. (exact Google Map location) It features public boat and fishing access to Spirit Lake and a shelter.

It’s located in the Okoboji / Iowa Great Lakes area on Big Spirit Lake. In fact, the park is on the Iowa – Minnesota border. (exact Google Map location) It features public boat and fishing access to Spirit Lake and a shelter.
The skies will be filled with colorful kites over West Lake Okoboji during the last weekend of January. In 2024, they expect up to 120 kites to fly at a time! Here’s a guide to help you know where to be, where to park, and things you should consider bringing to the Boji Kite Festival….
It’s one of the newest playgrounds in Okoboji and it’s designed after the Queen II boat that takes tourists out on the lakes. It was designed by ape Studio and it was custom-built with multiple levels that have lots of entertaining features for kids including bells, captains tower, speaking trumpets, coconut ropes, and more. Here’s…